DD2 Shares Important Schoology Instructions
This year, DD2 will begin using Schoology in our classrooms.
Schoology is a secure Learning Management System (LMS) for teachers, students, and schools. Schoology provides a safe and easy way for us to connect, share content, work collaboratively and access both homework and school notices. With Schoology, DD2 is able to extend learning beyond the classroom and teach important 21st century skills. Schoology also offers parent the ability to tract and engage in their student learning. An email was sent to parents with your student codes and directions on how to login, please check your email. With a Schoology Parent Accounts, you can:
- View your student’s homework assignments and due dates
- View content published by your student’s teacher
- View information on class and school events posted by instructors, staff or the athletic department
- Track your student’s activity in each course
- View any groups that your student is involved with (i.e. club groups or athletic groups) to receive important information Schoology is accessible online and on any mobile device with Internet capabilities (Schoology App can also be found on Apple Store for iPhone and Play Store for Android devices).
To join your student’s classroom on Schoology, follow these steps:
*Important: Before you can register your Schoology account, you need an Access Code provided in the email you received or contact your student’s instructor. Parent codes cannot be provided until students have signed up for Schoology. Access Codes are normally sent out the second week of school.
1.Once you have received your access code, go to www.schoology.com and click “SIGN UP” in the upper right corner.
2. In the window that pops ups, click “Parent”.
3. Next, enter the access code provided by the school.
4. Fill out your first and last name, email address or username, and password.
Note: You may create a username of your choosing, however it must be unique within the system. Entering an email address is a good way to guarantee uniqueness.
5. Select “Register” and that’s it!
Once your Schoology account has been successfully created, you will be taken to your Home Page. On your first visit, you will be offered a brief tour, in the form of pop-up boxes in various areas of the screen. Read the brief message and click “Next” in each one for a few quick highlights. If you have more than one student using Schoology, you will receive an access code for each one. You do not need to create a separate parent account for each child; simply click the “Add Child” button and enter the access code for additional children.
Important Reminders about Schoology
- If you have a question about access codes or about how Schoology is being used in your student’s class, please contact your student’s teacher.
- Schoology does not allow students to message one another. Contact is contained within the course or group so that a teacher can moderate all student interaction.
- If you have been logging into Schoology using your student’s account, you will notice that parent access can be more limited. Each teacher has the ability to adjust what information is viewable by parents. You can view course updates and see a calendar with your student’s dated assignments and assessments, but there are aspects of your student’s courses that may not be visible. A key benefit of parent access is that if you have more than one student using Schoology, you can monitor all of their classes at once.
- While Schoology has the ability to store grades for on-line quizzes and other activities in the system; however, PS (PowerSchool) is the gradebook of record for your child.
- At the bottom left of any Schoology page, you will find a “Help” link. Feel free to browse for more information. A Note about Notifications; Schoology has a notification feature that allows a user to receive email or text message notifications of various updates and events. However, the notifications are based on being enrolled in courses or groups. Because, as a parent, you are not enrolled in courses, you cannot enable notifications in your account to receive updates from your student’s courses. Instead, you can add your email address in the “Alternate Email” field in your student’s Schoology account settings and configure notifications there. We continue to expand our use of Schoology in your child’s education and are excited to have you join us.
If you have any questions about Schoology or how to use the parent access portal please visit https://support.schoology.com/entries/23290258-Parent-Guide or contact out DD2 , as well as plan to attend any of the various evening “open house” events our schools offer, DD2 staff will be there to assist face-to-face. In addition, our technology team will be responding to emails regarding Schoology Parent Access, contact: dd2support@dorchester2.k12.sc.us
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DD2 LEAP Registration
DD2 LEAP Afterschool Program registration for 2024-2025 school year will open Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 8:00 am on the DD2 Website.
Students enrolled in Kindergarten through 5th grade are eligible for LEAP based on availability.
Rate for 2024-2025 is $100 per week and $50 registration fee.